The Art of Hymn Playing on the Piano – Hymnal


Author: M. Dean Kincaid

Format: Spiral Bound Paper
Length: 68 pages


The Art of Hymn Playing by M. Dean Kincaid is a systematic course of study designed to instruct and assist pianists in developing the ability to play “psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs,” in an attractive and uplifting way for the glory of God and the edification of His Church. The format of this course of practice is a step-by-step system of enlarging upon the hymns as written in the hymnal, first to accompany congregational singing, then to improvise piano solo styles. The Hymnal contains all the hymns discussed throughout the textbook. Each new step is applied to the hymns but the patterns are not limited to these hymns; they are applicable to all other hymns of similar type and tempo.

ISMN: 979-0-800046-29-2

Additional information

Weight0.5 oz
Dimensions8.5 × 5 × .25 in


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