This very special collection contains 25 piano solo arrangements by legendary gospel pianist Rudy Atwood. This edition features new engravings that were meticulously created based on Rudy Atwood’s recordings. Not all of the arrangements were recorded by Rudy, but where a recording exists, we have made it available on a special new YouTube channel. Simply scan the QR code on the title page of the arrangement and you will be taken directly to the recording of that particular arrangement.
Visit the Rudy Atwood Music YouTube Channel.
- A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
- All Nature’s Works His Praise Declare
- Beneath the Cross of Jesus
- Blest Be the Tie
- Come, Thou Fount
- Come Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy
- Fairest Lord Jesus
- From Greenland’s Icy Mountains
- Holy Ghost, With Light Divine
- Holy, Holy, Holy
- Holy Spirit, Faithful Guide
- In The Hour of Trial
- Jesus Calls Us
- Jesus Shall Reign
- Lift High the Triumph Song Today
- Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned
- O Worship the King
- Onward Christian Soldiers
- Sitting At the Feet of Jesus
- Songs of Praises
- Sun of My Soul
- The Solid Rock
- Vesper Hymn
- When I Survey the Wonderous Cross
- When Morning Gilds the Skies
ISMN: 979-0-800046-57-5
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